Portfolio > Oil paintings

The botanical subjects are painted with oils on panels. The panels are sealed so that the beauty of the natural grain remains visible to enhance the composition. The still-life paintings are painted on canvas or panels with the highest quality oil paints available today.

Oil on canvas, alla-prima tomato
Oil on panel
6 x 8 inches
Oil on canvas, red onions/white garlic
Oil on Canvas
12 x 12 inches
oil on panel of single apple
Oil on panel
8 x 8 inches
Oil on canvas/ fall grasses and weeds
Oil on Canvas
OIl on panel of dried fall leaves with shadow
Oil on panel
20 x 20 inches
oil on paper of berries on branch
oil on paper
36 x 36 inches
Oak leaves and acorn, oils painted on panel
oil on panel
8 x 11 inches
Oil on oak panel/ oak branch with shadows
Oil on panel
48 x 12 inches
oil on panel of jar of jam with bread crust
Oil on panel
8 x 8 inches